Amazing Facts About Rebekah Part 4: No Other Lovers

Love birds in a marriage

Polygamy was a common practice in the Bible. But there is one love story in Genesis that opposed the common practices of its time. In this final study of Rebekah from the Bible, their story leaves an example for us to follow. And it behooves us to also rise to the challenge: Are we willing to walk a narrower way to love the one God has set apart for us, our future spouse?

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Amazing Facts About Rebekah from the Bible Part 3: Arising to His Call

young woman following Christ

Here is the continuation of my story and the 5 important points to Rebekah’s marriage to Isaac. Her love story could not have occurred if it were not for her sacrificial surrender to God’s will. Similarly, we long to have a God-written love story of our own. Even those of us who are married desire to have a beautiful marriage that aligns with the patterns of Christ and His love for the Church. But it can only happen when we surrender our lives and arise to His call upon our lives.

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